My rants and raves in the life of everyday news.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005


Can we please let poor Terry Schiavo go? I mean, come on people, do her parents actually think that she is going to jump and dance a jig in the near future?? Are these people just that stupid???? She has been in a vegetative state for at least 4 years. In my opinion, this has gone off long enough. Why the hell do we need to involve our 3 highest branches of government in this ridiculous charade? I believe that they have more important issues to worry about than some disillusioned crusade being carried on by 2 people (AKA parents) that have a real disattachment problem to certain things (AKA daughter). Besides, isn't it true that, when her mother was in dire straits (AKA very sick), she stated that she wanted no treatment like this if this were to happen to her? It was apparently spoken in front of her husband and 2 brothers.... Hmmmm, makes you think. I know, I know, I maybe fraying some nerves of the few people who actually read this blog, but being in EMS, I know what should be done. Enough said, I'm gonna get the s**ts if I continue on this subject.

Now, a teenager from the Red Lake INDIAN Reservation, went on a shooting spree in his school in Minnesota recently. WTF??? This boy apparently was reading a website run by the NAZIs and was named the "Angel of Death" on this particular website. What in god's name is an American INDIAN boy reading the lunatic rantings of a "cult" that exterminated millions of Jewish people in WWII just because they were Jewish??? What is this world coming to???? I'm afraid to go to the bathroom at night because, the toilet might eat me... Anyway, I bid you adieu. Try to have a good night.

Monday, March 14, 2005


Well, the WINGS lost another heartbreaker on Saturday to the Rochester Knighthawks, 13-12. They are now 5-6 and lookin' like that they are not gonna get into the playoffs again. Maybe, Canada and the northern part of New York will sink into the abyss we call Mother Earth and hand a play off spot to the W-I-N-G-S. Eh, there is still time, they have 5 games to go. MIRACLES CAN HAPPEN, GOD DA** IT!!!!!!!!! Next rants....

Let's get back to the stupid portion of the news...

Cat Shoots Owner- Beware, Satan is watching...

Man Said to Pose As Dead Mom for Pension- and to think, this isn't from the Confederate States.

Prosecutors Subpoena Pooch- WTF??? Do I even want to know?

Ex-Judge Jailed for Using Cough Medicine- Hey, you do what you gotta do.

Son Sues Dad Over Steelers Season Tickets- Only in my home state of PA.

Good Night.

Monday, March 07, 2005

...and the hits keep comin'.

Hello again everybody... a few quick points to grind into your heads before I have to get some shuteye.

1) Went to a fight... no, lacrosse game... wait, no, fight on Saturday (Philadelphia WINGS vs. Minnesota Swarm). Even before the first skirmish for the ball, the two teams were pushing and shoving each other. Hey, Ed, HOW ABOUT ACTUALLY ARRIVING FOR THE NATIONAL ANTHEM??? Lots of fun, penalties and ejections from the game. Hope there is more to come...

2) Apparently, rumors are running rampid that Spike TV may actually take on ST: ENT and run with it. Hey, Ed, DIDN'T I SAY THAT THIS WAS GOING TO HAPPEN ALL ALONG (ooooo.... he shoots, he SCORES!!!).

Good night, ladies and gents. Enjoy the night.