My rants and raves in the life of everyday news.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Work, work, and more work

Hello everyone,

Tis I again. Sitting at my job, again. One of the many that I have. But one thing comes to mind as I sit here and type this entry... Why did the observation tower at City Hall in Philadelphia have to have glass? Councilman Mariano probably would have made a better story if he had just thrown himself through the glass and all the news helicopters caught his 9.8 meters per second squared fall to the unforgiving, pothole ridden streets of Philadelphia, the so-called City of Brotherly love. He was distraught due to him being in trouble with the law (WTF?????). And the only ones to get him to come dawn was Mayor Street and Harold Hairston (just what the city needs, more so called heroism from the Schmuck Hierarchy).

Hurricane Wilma: Poor Cozumel and the other countries in the south. I was at Cozumel last October and enjoyed it thoroughly. With all this severe weather down there, I hope that there is someplace to visit next time we go down to the Caribbean. This is the most active season that I've seen in my life. WE NEED SOME RAIN UP HERE!!!!!!!!!! Stop being so damn greedy!

Anyway, this is a short rant due to fatigue. Good night, all!!

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Remember Me?????


It's been a little while since we last spoke (well about 6 months), but HEY... I needed to get s**t done. You don't like it, deal with it by swinging at the end of a rope by your neck. Many, many, many things going on since I last left you fine kinfolk. So let's dispense with the pleasantries and get on with, shall we....?

1) I am no longer Wannabe Medic Mike (according to my former partner, the Yeti). I am now a full fledged legalized Pennsylvania (and Nationally Registered) Paramedic (may GOD have mercy on your souls). If anybody should ask, my former partner is past his stage of denial, thumbsucking, and rocking back and forth in his corner. He has accepted the fact that I have moved on to better things (snicker-snicker) and has found himself a host of partner du jours. Good luck on trying to regrow your hair now, Ed.... :p~~~~~~~

2) The WINGS still suck and I have not renewed my season tickets. However, this strange game that is played with a black disk on ice had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Maybe, I shall give this one a try. Maybe this strange Philadelphia team, called the FLYERS apparently, can drum up a record better than 6 and 10.

3) For all those medically and pre-hospitally inclined.... THERE IS NO PRINTER INK THAT NEEDS TO BE CHECKED IN PORTABLE CARDIAC MONITORS!!!!!!!!!!!!! CAN SOMEBODY ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR ME? How can somebody who tries to placed a cardiac monitor out of service due to low printer ink actually hold the title of PHRN (Pre-Hospital Registered Nurse)? Somebody, please fill me in (no, bones, no ice cream, oranges or telephone poles).

4) New Orleans: I have the perfect solution to the problem. DON'T BUILD A CITY BELOW SEA LEVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You want to live below sea level, live in a f'in submarine. At least you won't have to deal with mold.

5) I still see that the people who live in the city of Philadelphia are nuckin' futs. I'm drunk, let's grab a cop's gun and shoot him for doing his job and detaining me.... and then, shoot another cop. Hey, 2 for the price of 1!!!!!!!! You know what lush (and I'll call you a lush to protect your good name), I hope that someone fires off a Tazer at you and forgets to pull their finger off the trigger. Hope it feels good to lay in your own urine and feces before your heart explodes in your chest, a****le!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6) Now, to make my former partner happy.... E-A-G-L-E-S, EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!! ...and, now, to tick him off... John Street, John Street, John Street!!!!!!!!!!!

7) Last, but not least... Do please try to help the people in the Gulf Coast. They need it more than the pinheaded p***ks out in California trying to protect their million dollar homes from the Orange Monster. At least you jerk-offs out west can rebuild quickly!!!!!!!!!!!

With that, I am here to inform you that I am back with regular postings with a vengeance (just not everyday, I have this strange thing called a life)... unlike my former partner, who I see still hates the wingers (I just can't remember if it was the left or right). Keep ranting and raving, all!!!!!!! GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!